I am a 66-year-old sentenced to 280 YEARS (no, this is not an error, YEARS)
with a conviction for two counts of conspiring to distribute and dispense
Schedule II and IV controlled substances, outside the scope of professional
practice and not for a legitimate medical purpose; five counts of maintaining a premise for the purpose of
distributing controlled substances; and fourteen counts of structuring financial transactions to evade
reporting requirements. My daughter, Faith was also charged and sentenced to 44 year, for conspiring to
illegally. As of today’s, date' my current release date is 04/25/2252.
I am trusting in God to find favor in the hands of the justice system with this draconian
sentence I was handed after trial.
Once I am released, I will spend my senior years in either Houston, Tx or Maryland with my
grandchildren. My goal will be to prepare myself to live in Israel and apply for a position in the New
American Embassy. I would like to return to the business of planting trees.
I also want to speak with Washington, DC concerning the justice system. To do "justice" involves, on the
part of the government, a fair and just use of power and proper functioning of a fair judicial system,
especially to protect the weak from the strong. On the part of individuals, "justice" involves honest and fair
business dealings as well as truthfulness. To keep one’s word as well as not taking advantage of people or
those with less power or protection, doing what is right in the sight of God, especially with regard to
conduct towards others.
It is time for the Gates of the government to be opened and the gatehouse to provide a shady place where
cases to be decided of those who come to the for justice.
Justice is being prevented. Let us hate evil and love good and establish justice in the gates.
There is still hope for our nation, even at the last hour. We need to end complacency, self-indulgence and
stop funeral cry of wailing and mourning that goes up all over this land. From the streets of our cities to
the countryside and into the prison systems. Even the least educated farmer understands that there are
laws of nature that must be obeyed if life and health are to be preserved. But our leaders have no such
understanding. Perverting justice is ultimately as destructive as trying to get a crop from a rock pile.
My case is one of false balances along with hundreds of others. This in itself is a symbol of injustice, as in
ancient times, if they would make the weight only slight false, considerable profits could be made.
This system is practiced today in our courts...buy the poor and the needy rather than helping them and
their neighbors. The rich and powerful were using this money and power to put the people in slavery.
This system is still used this day. We must stop this destruction and always have restoration. I desire to be
a voice in the abundant productivity of a restored people and land under the blessing of God.
Can we have a land like the garden of Eden with productivity that is FREE and with greater abundance
than anything currently known.? The answer is YES! People can be renewed and be made fruitful, build,
enjoy food and prosperity. Let us bring justice and replace injustice. Let us plant those who has had
injustice poured on them and they shall never again be uprooted. This brings God’s blessings.
I am a 66-year-old with no prior indictments, no arrests, no violence, and no victims.
Closing Remarks:
Rules for prosecutors must change. Their immunity for lying, twisting the truth, threatening, must come to
an end. This is a terrifying statement, prosecutors are allowed to do these things, which shows there is no
escape anywhere in the entire court of justice creation. Time to stand up and step out, taking the face off
and show this nation what has been behind the closed gate!!
Very yours,
Barbara Lang
My name is Barbara Lang
(678) 428-4351
Email: Info@achancetostrive.org
We assist those who are
reentering society create a
solid foundation to prosper
A Chance To Strive In - Justice