My name is Lazara Ordaz, and I am currently incarcerated at FCI Marianna
in Marianna, FL. On charges of conspiracy to distribute more than 3
kilograms of a controlled substance (cocaine), use of a communication
facility, and possession of a firearm. I have served 19 years on a 35-year sentence.
Prior Record:
* In 1980, I was young and stupid. I had just come to America from Cuba and I was caught with.
marijuana and a firearm. I plead guilty and was sentenced to 3 years on probation with a
special condition of serving 6 months in the county jail, with 74 days credit time served.
*On August 3, 1988, I was charged with possession of cocaine with the intent to sell. I was.
found guilty and sentenced to time served and ordered to pay $225 in court costs.
*On February 17, 1990, I was charged with possession of cocaine and found guilty and
sentenced to one year community control/probation revoked and sentenced to 364 days.
*On August 3, 1996, I was charged with carrying a firearm without a license and reckless.
endangerment of a person. I was given a minimum sentence of less than 6 months plus 5.
years’ probation.
*I have a few other priors I was not convicted of and the charges were dismissed.
Prison Conduct:
I have a clear conduct record for the past 12 years.
Clemency Petition: Clemency #156638 was denied on 08/08/2016 by the Obama Administration.
Support Network:
I have close family ties and well connected with my community. I also have the support of CANDO,
National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls, and The LOHM group.
During my incarceration, I have learned, accomplished, and trained other women with various skills. I
mastered the trade of Blue Printing in the UNICOR program. I was advanced to the highest position
available and taught other women the trade. I remained in the position for 10 years. I also completed a
Material Coordinator Apprenticeship. My next accomplishment was graduating from a two-year business
program through Marist College. Over the years of my incarceration, I have taken and successfully
completed over 70 classes and programs, which include:
*Blue Printing
*Forklift Training
*Forklift License
*Quality Assurance Training
*SP Culinary Arts I
*SP Culinary Arts II
*Life Skills Management I
*Life Skills Management II
*Life Skills Management III
*Computer applications
*Material Coordinator Apprentices
*Medical Terminology
*Long Term Computer
*International Cuisine
*Management Studies
*Organizational Behavior
*Healthy Relationships
*Self Esteem Parenting
*Gender Images-Media
*Anger Resolutions
*Cage Your Rage
*Women’s Mental Health Seminar
*Guide for Incarcerated Parents Seminar
*Job Readiness Seminar
*Buying a Home Seminar
*Dress for Success Seminar
*VT Horticulture
*Interpersonal & Business Communications (college course)
*Business in Society (college course)
*Arts & Humanities (college course)
*Business Management (college course)
*Camp Driver’s License Course
*Building Blocks – Spanish
*Criminal Thinking
*Sign Language
*Intermediate Sign Language
*Random Acts of Kindness
*Basic English
*Boundaries and Our Parenting
*RPP5 Release Requirements
*How to Use Law Library
*Black History
*Reach 1 Teach 1 Aids Awareness
*Health/Nutrition Awareness
*Primary Literature
Recreation Classes (the following classes taken will help me utilize the skills I learned useful to reentering
*Walking for People 45 and Over
*Health Awareness Camp
*Biggest Loser
*Circuit I
*Advanced Drawing
*Recreation Aide
*Color Pen Draw
*Beginning Reading
*Hand sewing
*Piano Lessons
*Cross Stitch
*Hobbycraft Painting
*Dream Catcher
*Plastic Canvas
*Stain Glass
*Leather Craft Hobbycraft
Additional/Final Information:
As a former history teacher in Cuba, education has always been a priority for me. I am a model inmate and
have taken classes, programs, and therapy available to me for my growth. Any opportunity I have been
given to help me rehabilitate and restructure myself and my way of thinking before I reenter society, I take
full advantage of. I am currently at the lowest security level attainable in the Federal Bureau of Prisons,
which is camp status. I am currently working for UNICOR Distribution Center as a Department
Coordinator, learning all aspects of working in a warehouse. In the upcoming months, I will be enrolling
in Blackstone College and pursuing my paralegal degree. I am continuing to take full advantage of
opportunities presented to me by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. I am doing everything in my power to
ensure a successful recovery, one that will allow me to reenter society on the right.
My name is Lazara Ordaz
(678) 428-4351
We assist those who are
reentering society create a
solid foundation to prosper
A Chance To Strive In - Justice