My name is Mackese, and I am 42 years old. I was sentenced to 819 months
(68 years) for carjacking and firearms. I have been incarcerated since
August 1, 2006 and was sentenced May 24, 2007. I have been incarcerated a
total of 15 years.
While incarcerated I have worked in Unicor, taken many ACE (Adult Continuing Education) classes, many
recreational classes completed and received my diploma from Stratford Career Institute’s Accounting
Correspondence course. I am currently maintaining a job, clear conduct and still excelling by taking two
more correspondence courses, Blackstone Career Institute for Paralegal and Stratford Career Institute for
Real Estate Appraiser.
My plans after incarceration are to continue to strive to be a better “me” before incarceration while
maintaining a good job and build my life back.
I have a family, children, and a grandson who needs me, and I will be sure to cherish whatever
time I have left dedicating good nature and positive influence on them and myself.
My family members consist of mom, dad, kids, sister, niece, great nephew, grandson, and a few others who
are extensions to my family.
With such a draconian sentence given to me, my prayer is that you will have compassion on me and help
me return home to my family, who awaits me daily. There is nothing in the world more precious than
family and this indictment took me from mine, and I am ready with God’s help, to get back to them.
Thank you for reading my profile and I pray you will get me home soon where I belong.
Mackese Speight
My name is Mackese Speight
(678) 428-4351
We assist those who are
reentering society create a
solid foundation to prosper
A Chance To Strive In - Justice